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Eternium Short Story 2

Dismas's Entry 173

29th Day of the New Cycle, Year 2426 Imperial Standard


I am not quite sure where to start with this 'Journal' business Costartes urged me to consider. Incipiently I had thought he wished to purloin tales of my adventures for his personal use in the Capital's taverns, but with the recent mission tasked to me by the king. I suspect his failures in the art of seducing shallow barmaids with heroic sagas were the lesser part of his reasoning.


Do note Costartes that I will come for you should 'familiar tales' of you reach my ears. We may be friends, but stolen valour is not to be taken lightly, even if you did fool doltish wenches into believing you. A frail mage such as yourself would never be able to lift my musket, let alone use it.


That said, I suspect keeping my thoughts penned will prove useful in my task. I am not foolish enough to misunderstand my position here, fame I may have, but the ever-noble Imperium traditionally balks at overusing 'brutish' mercenaries. For my men and I to be called upon suggests a true need, that or expendable soldiers that would not be legible for burial gratuity.


I am perilously hopeful for the former. No ordinary task required Mages from the Alchemist Consortium, a team of Rangers, and the 'Legendary Dismas', if I might be so humble... This is after all my personal account.


I shall let the ink dry for now, for if another quill snaps the Imperium would be facing another disaster, one of me burning every writer's guild in the capital. And no, I will not trust that one of the suspicious artificer contraptions won't explode in my hand as many of their other devices are known to do. Costartes, you have been warned.




2nd Day of the Growth Cycle, Year 2426 Imperial Standard


I have met with my new comrades and have marked the creation of the newest Imperium Auxilia, brief may it's existance hopefully be. I had hardly acquired my bearings when my lieutenant Redresk got into a brawl with the Lead Alchemist of the group Kurt Pareselus. It was evident to all who would win the match, but I could not allow tempers to rise and grudges to form so early in our expedition. As much as I wish to see an arrogant spell caster humbled.


The Alchemists were essential for the task and having one crippled by my lieutenant would not do. The Rangers were far more accommodating, and comely I might add. It seemed that rumours of the Ranger's selection may have been true, holding appearances higher than skill, or mayhaps Druidic magic favoured beautiful women?... Perhaps the guild just had an abundance of luck. I nor my men would argue against the pleasant circumstances.


Regardless, our task is to investigate Mareaer a 'formerly' wealthy coastal city positioned on the East sea border of the Imperium. I speak formerly due to recent seismic activities that have been recorded precipitating from there, along with the many Imperium teams that have not returned from their investigations.


Unfortunately, I personally believe the town and area around it were simply annihilated by some volcanic activity. It would not have been the first place reduced to ash by the whims of nature. Even so, I will endeavour to seek the truth of it all.


We leave on a ship at dawn once all of our equipment is ready. From Capital to Vilsren, the nearest settlement to Mareaer, from there will we head out on foot, despite the complaints from the Alchemists. It is well-known how animals react to seismic activity, and I doubt we have enough time to fit one of their mechanical wheelhouse contraptions on the ship. Their overreliance on this new-age technology and childish sheltering irritates me.




10th Day of the Growth Cycle, Year 2426 Imperial Standard


We have finally landed and disembarked, I attempted to instruct some rudimentary battlefield tactics to the Alchemists and Rangers but there was not enough space on the ship to do so adequately. Should we enter battle I fear they will be unprepared, both to receive my commands and to keep their sense. The Alchemists especially do not know conflict outside of their workshops and fancy towers if their remarks are to be believed, intense negotiation for rare materials does not constitute a battle...


The forests around Vilsren appeared normal at first, but the leaves retrieved by Rangers coated in ash spun another tale entirely. The fading plume of black smoke encroaching on the clouds of the sky and the hint of brimstone in the air only lent credence to my earlier theory of a volcano being responsible.


On a lighter note, I can safely report that the Rangers are as skilful as they are beautiful... Their magic is not bad either...




"Commander, the city walls are in sight... Or what's left of them." Lead Ranger Saoirse stated as she materialises from the ash-covered foliage surrounding them.


"Poor bastards..." Redresk airs everyone else's thoughts as they see for themselves. The stone walls of Mareaer had all but been turned to blackened slag, their fifteen-foot height reduced by half or more in some sections. The parts of the walls that survived still glowed a dull malicious red, and Dismas was sure he could feel the heat they were emitting from where he stood.


Thin crimson cracks ran through them, pulsing like a fiery heart... What perturbed Dismas the most was the lack of any obvious eruption sight. With how long the it'd been from the initial incident, he'd have thought a proper volcano would have started to form. Yet, there wasn't even smoke aside from the few buildings that still burned.


"Is it safe to approach?" Dismas questions, glancing between the Alchemists and Rangers.


"Unlikely, but we weren't sent to see if it's safe or not." Alchemist Kurt states, wetting him lips as he stares off into the distance.


Redresk huffs derisively, "With those robes of yours, I'd have thought you'd be afraid of becoming our new bonfire."


"What competent alchemist doesn't acquire fire retardant clothing? Another incorrect assumption, barbarian."


"Enough." Dismas growls, "You can squabble once we return. Saoirse, can we approach?"


She nods but cautiously, "We have found a route into the settlement, much of the ground is unstable and scorching, but we will make do."


Dismas turns to his men while exchanging his hat for a helmet. "Get your equipment ready and your muskets loaded! There may yet be foes inside, so listen to my words or death may be your preferred outcome!"


The city appeared worse up close than it did from afar. Through warped, melted, and distorted gates, Dismas could now see the utter ruination of the place. Buildings with the traditional Imperial stone architecture were cracked and broken, their summer ceramic tile roofs were sunken perilously if they hadn't already collapsed, and even the cobble roads and street pathways resembled tiny, steaming craggy canyons.


Mutilated burnt husks of the people who lived here littered the place, and to him it was almost as if they'd been turned to carbonized wood mid-activity. Some bodies looked as if they were mid-stride, now fallen to the ground sideways in the same pose.


The pier had all but disappeared into the ocean, any boats attached to it sunk and pulled to the depths with it. The large townhouse was now replaced by a giant sinkhole, the bottom of which roiled with turbulent magma that bubbled forbodingly.


"That seems to be the origin of this..." Kurt remarks, not daring to step any closer to the sinkhole than necessary. Dismas couldn't blame him with how some small rocks and pebbles occasionally fell into the torrid pool below.


The ambient heat of this place alone had Dismas sweating in his heavy plate armour, he imagined this was what meat felt like as it was being smoked. "Have the Rangers discovered anything? Surely there should be remnants of the other investigation teams? If it was an eruption, it would have passed by the time they arrived."


Kurt shrugs, "I believe Lady Saoirse said she found something?" he gestures haphazardly south to where the old town lighthouse used to be, now just a sloped cliff of igneous rock.


Dismas nods and makes his way over, leaving Kurt to collect samples... If nothing else, that might speak of what truly occured here.


"Saoirse, I pray for kind news."


"You will find none here, Commander. The entire city was razed without sense or mercy, those standing outside were the fortunate ones as their deaths were instant... The folk inside their homes and businesses, children and babes with their mothers, the scorched smoke made their last moments ones of unimaginable suffering." she shakes her head and looks down at the ground where a blackened almost skeletal hand protruded from the rock. She reaches down and gently retrieves the scorched ring from its finger and wipes it on her short leather skirt, "The sigil of House Ragerist, this should be Garanel Ragerist, the third son who participated in the most recent search..."


"But then..." Dismas pauses in utter incomprehension. "Could it be strategic-" he starts but is interupted when a scream echoes out. He and Saoirse turn sharply just in time to see Alchemist Kurt get grabbed by something and pulled into the fiery sinkhole. The sound of his screams echoed from below as he began to burn alive in the vicinity of the magma, coming to a sickening halt as he was pulled beneath the molten rock.


"Gods! What on earth was that!?" one of his musket men cry out as he and his comrades hurriedly backed away, weapons raised and ready to be used on whatever creature had attacked.


"I have not the faintest notion! TO ARMS MEN!" Dismas roars as he runs over slamming his helmet visor closed, it might not help if he met the same fate as Kurt, but it would shield him from the heat, albeit temporarily.


He retrieves his musket from his back too, gripping heavy weapon tightly as he commands the Alchemists, Rangers, and mercenaries into a cohesive group. "Rangers! Prepare whatever magics you are able!"


"At once, Commander!" Saoirse exclaims, bringing the rest of her people to heel.




It was an ominous silence, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the sound of the lava bubbling in the sinkhole kept everyone on their toes.


"I-Is it gone...?" one soldier tentatively asks.


"We should leave and report this! We can't face it with what we have!" another man urges.


"SILENCE! Cease your babbling and grow spines!" Dismas growls, all while prodding an object within a bag on his hip with the tips of his fingers.






Stone cracked and separated from the side of the sinkhole, increasing its width and adding to the molten stew below...




The sound of something climbing rang true, causing everyone present to stiffen in apprehension.


A moment of silence...


Then all hell broke loose.





A monstrous being surrounded by fire and smoke exploded from the hole, crashing onto the stone before Dismas' forces and causing a wave of heat to wash over them, even starting to singe the hairs of those on the frontlines.


It was nightmarish, a foul concoction of demon and deep crustacean, slathered in magma that dripped from nearly every part of its massive lumbering body.


"STOP WHERE YOU ARE! I AM THE COMMANDER OF THE THIRD IMPERIUM AUXILIA, STATE YOUR PURPOSE IMMEDIATELY, CREATURE!" Dismas loudly shouts at it, surprised his men had not begun firing yet.


The being doesn't answer, instead scanning the area with the two beady glowing white eyes hidden under its pale red carapace. Its very presence was causing the stone underneath it to melt, which didn't bode well for the weaponry Dismas and his forces had brought. "SPEAK OR FALL UNDER THE MIGHT OF THE IMPERIUM!!"


In response to his words the thing's face contorts into a vicious scowl, it turns towards the nearest man and before Dismas could give any orders, it spits at them.


The blob of magma flies through the air and hits Jeran directly, the rest splashing on his childhood friend Nomar. They both let loose blood-curdling screams as their armour melts through, their clothes and fleshquickly turning black as they cook alive. Even those nearby not directly struck have to back away at the sheer heat it was giving off.


"GOD DAMN IT! FIRE! BRING IT TO DOWN!" Dismas furiously shouts, prompting the musket men to all open fire, filling the area with black smoke.




Even with how powerful the artificer weapons were, and how broad a target they had, the projectiles simply melted before they could connect, turning to slag and adding to the encroaching molten wave.


"RANGERS!" he shouts, dearly hoping they had something to slow the fiend.


They act, vines and other plant life bursting from the igneous stone to restrict it... Unfortunately, all it did was act as tinder against the creature's might. They got barely five meters before losing all moisture and bursting into flames.


Seeing the way the battle was going, Dismas scowls and flips a switch on the side of his musket before grabbing the barrel and turning it a full rotation, causing part of it to open up in preparation to recieve larger ammunition.


Blue lights shimmer as the reciever snaps open, metal against metal ringing out over the cacophony around him, though nobody took notice.


By then the creature was on the move. It gave an ear-plitting roar and thundered forwards, spewing hot magma everywhere it could. The front lines had quickly collapsed and started fleeing, while the rear and backlines were trying to reload their muskets, the giant demon charging at them only making it more difficult to steady their hands.


"SAOIRSE! DO SOMETHING!" Dismas exclaims as he jams a small glowing blue canister into the transformed musket, sparks almost spraying out into his eyes as he does so.


"T-TRYING!" she hurriedly retorts while trying to cast a collaborative spell with the other Rangers.


One of the beast's many claws swipe down and cuts one man completely in half, but as it makes a grab for the next Redresk drags the young mercenary back by his collar. He tears off his bag of black powder and throws it as the beast turns its attention to him. Instinctively, it reaches for the bag which explodes in its grasp, shattering the exoskeleton of its limb and blowing the claw completely off.


The thing lets out a shriek in response, but much to the human forces dismay, magma bubbles up from the wound and forms yet another claw, undoing the only damage they'd managed to inflict.




"STAY THE COURSE!" Dismas shouts, inwardly cursing at his weapon for taking so long to charge.


Finally, the Rangers throw their hands up and a large gust of wind blows, steam explodes off of the creature's body from the cooling air, but that wasn't the main effect of the spell. Waves from the coast grew larger, and larger until they managed to reach over the short cliff and flood into the city.


Water spewed forth in between and past the legs of the human force, instantly boiling and turning to steam as it reached the vicinity of the demonic creature. It seemed to be working, rapidly cooling the molten stolen around it... Until it wasn't...


The creature raises its head and sceeches, the fires around it bursting to life with increased intensity, instantly turning the few soldiers caught up in it to ash that blew away in the wind. The Rangers were even too tired to pull more water from the sea, leaving the situation ever the more hopeless.


Dismas looks down as his weapon buzzes to life, humming with short crackles of electricity, signaling its activation. "Finally! EVERYONE RETREAT!" He roars as he raises the weapon, first at the creature, then at the sky over it, confusing the few watching.




A turquoise line fires from the barrel, arcing high into the sky as everyone's eyes follow, even that of the creature's.


At first it didn't appear to be doing anything, but then, it exploded. Like the most glorious and dazzling firework anyone had ever witnessed. Even in the burning sky tinted with the glow from the overflowing lava, the effect was visible, red mage light and blue crystals filling the sky and causing almost everything, even the air to shimmer.


The creature's white eyes narrowed at the effect and the ambient temperature rose as if to match its anger.


The crystalline fragments paused in the sky, then began getting brighter, and brighter, so bright they were beginning to match the sun in its luminosity. Then, as if time was rewinding, the fragments started flying back towards the epicenter of the explosion, becoming one giant crystal that span for a moment and shot an eye-searing beam at the ground nearby Dismas.


Space was cut, reality warping, and a portal opened, allowing a strange creature to step through... It appeared to be entirely made of stone and multicoloured gemstones varying from blue to turquoise. It was humanoid, perhaps even human-looking, with two legs, two arms, and two heads...?

"Well met, Dismas." it speaks, both mouths moving simultaneously as it looks down at Dismas from its massive height.


"Dhachean! Were you aware of this!? Is that why you gave me that construct!?" he shouts, thinking back to when he'd first met the mountainous being.


The stone man ignores him, instead turning its attention to the molten creature which returned the glare. "You do not belong here." he states matter-of-factly in his rumbling baritone voice.


It hisses at him and raises its limbs, causing the level of magma in the sinkhole to rise and begin overflowing. The human soldiers flee as the two behemoths face off, now only useful as meatshields and distractions.


Dhachean stomps forward with his arms positioned in front of him, thousands of fragmented gemstones swirling around his hands.


The demon was the first to act, its chest expanding as it blows a veritable wall of fire from its maw. The golem reacts swiftly, jabbing a hand forward which opens a portal at his front, it absorbs the fire and spits it out into the nearby ocean, subduing the attack.


With a twist of his wrist and hundreds of gemstones gather in a line, all glowing as they form a triangular prism in the air, through that a giant laser explodes, blasting a large hole through the side of the fiery beast.


It shrieks and throws its limbs up to cover itself and everything nearby in magma. The bubbling liquid rock seethes and streams forth, attempting to swallow what was left of the town.


"Defiant abomination, flee back to your hole. Begone!" Dhachean neutrally says as he opens yet another portal, though this one was in the floor itself, acting as a drain that sucked up all the magma. Soon enough the magma beast was revealed once more, the wound on its side already healed.


Another arcane beam assures that the threat of Dhachean was not forgotten, and now without an abundance of magma to use at its whim, the beast shrieks and begins backing away to the sinkhole.


"What are you doing!? We must kill it before it can harm anyone else!" Dismas exclaims.


"One does not simply kill an Abyssal." Dhachean states, blasting one final beam that forces the beast to flee back into the depths of the earth.


With its departure the ambient temperature immediately began lowering, fires around the city snuffing out, and the lava solidifying.


Dismas lets out a tired sigh as he surveys the scene, "See to the wounded and count the dead! I won't have anyone die from a lack of treatment!" he commands, knocking his men out of their stupor. This was the worst any expedition of his had ever gone, never had he lost so many people, and never before had he felt so powerless.


Feeling rage rise up in his chest, he turns to the large two-headed golem, "Dhachean! I demand answers! What was that thing!? And did you know we would encounter it!?"




"Well!? Speak! Too many have died today, not just my men, but a whole settlement was burned! Could you not have warned us!?"


"There are many things you are not yet ready to learn. But, what we just faced was an Abyssal, I believe its name was Raobast... You have my sympathies for the loss of life, but there was nothing to be done for it. The threat is far greater than you know."



14th Day of the Growth Cycle, Year 2426 Imperial Standard

Thirty seven men and women dead, lost from the Rangers, Alchemists, and my own men. That is the cost for Dhachean's refusal to speak, a refusal he continued regardless of my requests.

The only information he was willing to give up was the fact that his people, Bastions, had been at war with the Abyssal for far longer than the Imperium has existed. Even if he refused to speak his mind, I understand that this may only be the beginning. Though, I do not know how we would counter it should creatures similar to what we had just faced began attacking in full force.

How could you face an unseen, unbeatable force of nature, one that could potentially sprout from the ground in the center of any city, burn it to ashes, then leave before any response was possible?

I still don't know why the beast remained here as long as it did, had it simply claimed territory? Or was it targetting the investigation units themselves? Dhachean spoke as though the Abyssal were sapient, despite how savagely it fought and acted.

I am still in the process of creating my full report with the aid and observations of Ranger Saoirse and the surviving Alchemists, yet the letter I just recieved is as confounding as it is concerning cosidering recent events.

The Imperium wished him, and his thoroughly dimished Auxilia, to investigate the Drought Swamps to locate missing soldiers... Suspects include beasts, bandits, natural events, or... The Restless.

By Gods. First demons, now those damned undead could be mobilizing? Were I any less loyal to my men and my responsibilities, I'd have retired here and now. Allow the brave, foolish, and cocky youth pull their own weight for once.

May the Imperium stand, I pray for the ones lost and their families to find solace.
